The levels of magnesium found in everyday foods are usually not enough to interact or interfere with other medications. However, with so many people turning to supplements as a way to receive the required amount of magnesium and various other minerals, it’s important to know how these supplements mix with other medications that you may be taking.
Read on to learn how magnesium interacts with five common types of medications:
We always recommend taking magnesium and calcium to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. But if you already have a condition like osteoporosis, you should know that these minerals interact with medications in ways that you might not expect.
Bisphosphonates are prescribed to people who have osteoporosis, and studies have shown that the more minerals people consume (including magnesium and calcium), the less bisphosphonates their bodies can absorb.
Magnesium and calcium are not detrimental to bone health in any way (actually, they are essential), but it’s important to make sure that these minerals are consumed long enough before or after bisphosphonates to make sure that both of these things can do their job.
For more information, consult your family doctor.
Diuretics are amazing because they lower blood pressure by pushing excess salt out of the body, but did you know that they could also lower your magnesium levels?
When salt is expelled in urine, it takes magnesium with it, often causing magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency can lead to a number of problems including muscle weakness and sleeping problems.
If you are taking a diuretic, it might be a good idea to take a supplement to regularly replenish the lost magnesium and to avoid harmful side effects. However, always check with your doctor about taking both of these things at the same time, just to be safe.
Believe it or not, you might already be getting enough magnesium, as it is in the antacids you may be taking for heartburn or indigestion. While magnesium content varies depending on the brand, antacids often contain mild amounts of magnesium and aluminum hydroxide together to relieve stomach problems.
If you are taking magnesium supplements and antacids, you should consult your doctor to make sure that you aren’t overdosing on magnesium (too much of anything can be a bad thing, even magnesium!).
There are over 100 different types of antibiotics that you could be taking to treat many different things. While it’s impossible to know how each of these antibiotics interacts with every other mineral in your body, here are two major ones that interact with magnesium in ways that are worth remembering:
Quinolone Antibiotics
If you take quinolone antibiotics (used to treat bacterial infections), you could be absorbing less than you think if you are. Magnesium can decrease how much of the antibiotic the body absorbs, so taking magnesium with this type of antibiotic might reduce its effectiveness.
Tetracycline Antibiotics
Tetracycline antibiotics are used to treat many infections including acne, malaria, and cholera. If you take tetracycline antibiotics with magnesium, magnesium can attach itself to the antibiotic when it’s in the stomach, which can make it less effective.
While you might not memorize these names, if you happen to recognize them on your prescription, ask your pharmacist or doctor about how to safely consume magnesium while taking your medication.
Should I take magnesium with these drugs?
It’s a great question, and one we hear often. As we mentioned, not taking magnesium with some of the above drugs can actually do more harm than good. To make sure you are safely mixing magnesium supplements with other medications, take them far enough apart (at least two hours) to give your body time to digest the minerals before digesting other medications.
As always, it’s also important to ask your doctor for any medical advice.
Safe Magnesium Supplements with mvua!
We are obsessed with providing magnesium supplements that are as safe as they are useful. Using high-quality ingredients that cause less stress on your digestive tract, and that are packaged in small, easy to swallow pills, mvua products are designed to naturally enrich your body and your life.
Learn more about mvua magnesium here!