At mvua, we understand that eating, drinking, creating, supplementing, and absorbing enough of the minerals that we need to stay healthy can be tough – especially because our bodies require so many different ones.
That’s why we’ve put together a helpful guide of seven important minerals that are essential for maintaining good health, as well as how much is enough and how to get enough:
1. Calcium
Why It’s Important
Calcium is crucial for keeping bones healthy. As we age, the calcium content in our bones declines. If the calcium is not replenished, bones can become less dense, which will make them more likely to fracture or break completely, and conditions like osteoporosis can form.
How Much is Enough
To prevent poor bone health, adults need about 1000 milligrams of calcium each day, give or take.
How To Get Enough
The most obvious choice for calcium-rich foods is dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt) but there are other also foods that contain calcium. Vegetables such as kale or broccoli have as much as 15% of the daily-recommended amount in 100-gram servings.
If you would like to supplement, the two most common forms are carbonate and citrate, carbonate being inexpensive but harder to digest, and citrate being the opposite.
2. Iron
Why It’s Important
Do you frequently face shortness of breath or a fast heartbeat? If so, you might be iron deficient. Iron is essential for making sure you don’t get fatigued, and iron deficiency is more common than you might think (in the US, almost 10% of women are iron deficient).
Iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, a substance that produces the blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Fatigue occurs when the rest of the body does not get enough oxygen, so low iron levels will cause dizziness, sleepiness, etc.
How Much is Enough
Adult males need about 8 milligrams of iron per day, while females need 18 milligrams, much more than males.
How To Get Enough
Most people don’t like iron supplements because of the side effects (which include diarrhea and nausea), but dietary sources can be very effective:
Meats are high in iron (one chicken breast has up to 75 milligrams of iron). Meat alternatives, like tofu, are also high in iron (1 serving of tofu can have 150 milligrams of iron).
3. Potassium
Why It’s Important
Potassium serves several functions; it’s an electrolyte and helps maintain proper fluid balance between different types of cells. Without this balance, heart and kidney damage is a risk.
Low potassium levels can also weaken muscle contractions and cause an irregular heartbeat as the nervous system that regulates these relies on potassium to remain strong.
How Much is Enough
Adults should receive between 3,500 – 4,700 milligrams of potassium each day.
How To Get Enough
There are plenty of dietary sources of potassium including potatoes, bananas, and orange juice. If you are increasing your potassium intake, make sure you are getting enough magnesium, because magnesium helps maintain the potassium levels in cells.
4. Sodium
Why It’s Important
You probably already know that too much salt can be dangerous, but not getting enough sodium can be just as bad. Like potassium, sodium is an electrolyte, and it works with potassium to create an electrical gradient that the body needs to regulate heartbeats and muscle contractions.
So, cutting out sodium is not the answer to your health problem. You need to make sure you get just enough, and that it’s balanced with potassium.
How Much is Enough
The body needs a very small amount of sodium to function properly (less than 500 milligrams per day). Countless foods have natural amounts of sodium, including eggs and meats.
How To Get Enough
The simple trick to maintaining healthy sodium levels is to avoid processed foods that have been over-salted.
5. Zinc
Why It’s Important
Zinc is important because it allows the body’s immune system to function properly, which is needed for things like wound-healing and illness prevention. If you are deficient in zinc, you will be more prone to things like colds and will experience worse symptoms.
Zinc is also important for growth. People who don’t receive enough zinc during adolescence are more likely to experience a growth stunt.
How Much is Enough
Adults need at least 8 milligrams of zinc per day, unless you are pregnant or breastfeeding, in which case you need 18-19 milligrams.
How To Get Enough
Foods that are high in zinc include red meats (such as beef), different seeds, and green vegetables (such as spinach). Because zinc supplements are safer than most supplements, most people use them to maintain their zinc levels (especially if they think they are developing a cold or other illness).
6. Chromium
Why It’s Important
While you might not have heard of it, chromium helps us keep our weight down because it helps our bodies metabolize things like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
How Much is Enough
To properly metabolize, our bodies only need small doses of chromium, about 25-35 micrograms per day.
How To Get Enough
Some food sources of chromium include broccoli, meats, and whole-grain foods. As the body needs so little, supplementation is only recommended for those with diabetes, who should consult their doctor before taking supplements.
7. Magnesium
Why It’s Important
Magnesium is our favourite mineral! Not only because of the countless bodily functions that rely on it (including muscle growth, maintaining energy levels, and disease prevention) but because it is crucial for making sure that other minerals in the body (including calcium and potassium) can do their jobs properly.
How Much is Enough
Adults need between 310 – 400 milligrams of magnesium each day.
How To Get Enough
Dietary sources of magnesium are unfortunately becoming less effective because of modern processes, including the use of fertilizers, which strip foods of their natural magnesium content.
Therefore, many people are turning to safe magnesium glycinate supplements to help keep their magnesium levels high enough.
Get Enough Magnesium with mvua!
You want a magnesium supplement that’s effective but safe. Using high-quality ingredients that cause less stress on your digestive track, and that are packaged in small, easy to swallow pills, mvua products are designed to naturally enrich your body and your life.
Try mvua today!