If you don’t know if you’re getting enough magnesium, you probably should. Magnesium is essential for proper cell function, so those who are deficient in this essential mineral have a higher risk of developing different types of cancers.
In fact, several studies have shown that populations with higher intakes of magnesium (which can be a result of drinking water or soil with magnesium) have fewer cancer diagnoses than those with lower magnesium intakes.
Magnesium & Proper Cell Function
You could say that magnesium is our cells’ best friend. Many think that without magnesium, cells would simply die because the mineral is involved in performing more than 300 biochemical reactions.
For example, research suggests that excess exposure to certain metals such as lead and mercury can increase one’s risk of developing certain types of cancers. Magnesium, in response, is essential for protecting cells against these types of metals – which can prevent carcinogenesis (the initiation of cancer).
Magnesium is also needed to move electrolytes in and out of cells. So, if you’re magnesium deficient, this can keep cells from functioning properly – preventing your body from forming new ones. And as cancer grows when the body begins to create abnormal types of cells, we all need magnesium to keep our cells in-check and reduce our risk of becoming sick.
Preventing Cancer with Magnesium – The Facts
As mentioned, populations that consume more magnesium have fewer cancer diagnoses. Several studies have even isolated groups of people to show the connection between consuming magnesium and preventing cancer:
In Japan, menwith a daily magnesium intake of 327 milligrams or more proved to have a 52 percent lower riskof developing colon cancer compared to the men in the study who took less.
Reducing Risk of Cancer with Diet & Supplements
You may be wondering how you can keep your magnesium levels up, especially if you suspect that you live in a community where magnesium intake is low. That’s where a proper diet and magnesium supplements come in.
Magnesium in Your Diet
It’s crucial that you know what you’re putting inside your body.
Green, leafy vegetables have long been known to prevent certain types of cancers, and this is largely due to their high magnesium content (we recommend spinach and broccoli).
Nuts are another great option for increasing your magnesium intake and preventing different cancers (we recommend almonds and walnuts).
Not a fan of either?In the evening, treat yourself to a square of delicious dark chocolate – which is surprisingly high in magnesium!
Buying organic foods is also crucial, because fertilizers strip soil of magnesium, which lowers the overall magnesium content of the produce that grows from it.
Magnesium Supplements
Taking supplements is a safe and effective way to prevent cancers, and it’s great for those that don’t have time to be picky about what they eat. If you want to supplement, a popular way to help prevent cancers is tobathe using bath flakes with magnesium chloride. If you want to take a pill supplement, make sure it’s magnesium glycinate– as this type of magnesium is very gentle on the digestive track.
Magnesium During Cancer Treatments
For people who are already going through cancer treatments, maintaining proper magnesium levels is crucial for increasing their chances of recovery and easing the side effects associated with chemotherapy. We would never recommend magnesium on its own as a treatment for cancer, but highly recommend it to work alongside whatever treatments are already being administered by your medical professional.
For example, magnesium bicarbonate can help boost cell recovery after chemotherapy. Regenerating non-cancerous cells is what increases one’s chance of survival, and magnesium bicarbonate can help with this.
Nurturing your body with different types of magnesium, using a variety of methods, can also be a good practice during treatment. Try using oils and pill supplements, and make sure that they contain a variety of magnesium types. Note:We do not recommend taking too much of one type of magnesium (everything in moderation!).
Another reason that we recommend taking magnesium during treatments is that the side effects of chemotherapy (e.g., diarrhea) can deplete magnesium levels to the point of deficiency, causing muscle weakness, further loss of appetite, etc.
How mvua Magnesium Can Help
Magnesium deficiency is more common than you may think. To make sure that you’re getting the magnesium that your body needs to function properly and to maintain good overall health, consider taking a magnesium supplement that will replenish your magnesium levels to what they need to be.
Check out mvua magnesium to discover more on how magnesium glycinate can support your health today.